by Elizabeth C. Annan-Prah



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 25/07/2015

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 268
ISBN : 9781503568822
Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 268
ISBN : 9781503568815

About the Book

This book, Basic Business and Administrative Communication, is written with the ultimate aim of providing readers with basic business communication and administrative concepts. The book considers communication as a vital tool to the success of every business, and therefore presents in-depth coverage of the following topics: • Overview of communication • Models of communication • Context, levels, media, and barriers to communication • Lines of communication • Oral communication • Non-verbal communication • Listening in business communication • Essentials of effective business writing • Written communication • Job hunting, preparing resumes and interview guidelines • Meetings as an administrative function in organisations • Requisites of valid meetings • Roles of the secretary and chairperson at meetings • Report writing • The role of information communication technology in business communication The author recognises the importance of skill development and provides practical examples of business documents such as business letters, memos, and itinerary that readers can follow to create their own to maximise their effectiveness and contribute to organisational success. The book is essential reading material for undergraduate and higher national diploma business students.

About the Author

Elizabeth Cornelia Annan-Prah has a bachelor degree in Arts (Secretaryship) and MBA in Human Resource Management from the University of Cape Coast, Ghana. She is a lecturer in the University of Cape Coast, Ghana, where she teaches courses in business communication, law and procedures of meeting, and human resource management. She also teaches on part-time at Archbishop Porter Girls’ Polytechnic and Cape Coast Workers’ College in Ghana. She is an experienced administrator and adept in organising training and short courses in administrative writing and career management for staff and students. She is currently pursuing her PhD in development studies and an editor for International Journal of Human Relations.