Form & Function

A Book of Poetry

by Michael Michalas



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 9/10/2018

Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 384
ISBN : 9781984557056
Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 384
ISBN : 9781984557070
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 384
ISBN : 9781984557063

About the Book

This book is a compilation of about a half of a lifetime's worth of poetry. Within this 368-poem book, you will quickly notice that all my poems rhyme and follow a lyrical formula as though you can set it to music. I consider this to be a book of poetry not only for those who like poetry but for those who don't like poetry as well. Hopefully, I can change some people's minds as to what poetry can be. Most of my poems have been written in the first person and are quite personal. This collection spans the full spectrum of topics, emotions, and overall tones from A to Z. I sincerely hope that this book both inspires and entertains.

About the Author

Michael Michalas was born on February 12th 1972 in the suburban Los Angeles city of Montebello, California. Michael began writing poetry soon after being diagnosed with a mild to moderate form of schizophrenia. He was encouraged to engage in creative writing and found out that poetry was the best medium to express himself. Poetry became an excellent form of therapy and has helped him to manage and cope with what can be a very debilitating mental illness. Many people who have schizophrenia can lead normal lives and be functional. Michael hopes that through his poetry and education, he can help others understand and even empathize with those who have to deal daily with a mental illness.