The New World Government-Structure and Constitution




Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 24/03/2019

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 122
ISBN : 9781796001419
Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 122
ISBN : 9781796001402
Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 122
ISBN : 9781796001426

About the Book

Two issues are bothering the humanity at present. Firstly, the contemporary national and international scenarios in socioeconomic, political, ethnic, and cultural domains are throwing up many issues, problems, and challenges relating to development, environment, human rights, human security, communal harmony, peaceful coexistence among nations, and world peace and security. Secondly, existing global institutions are proving to be wanting in their structures and authorities in solving these problems. Alternatively, a new global independent organization with enforcing authority is needed to act upon and solve these issues. The need for replacement of UNO seems to be justified because of failure to solve global problems. The nineteenth and twentieth centuries witnessed revivals of proposals for world government that were fueled by positive developments, such as technological progress in travel and communications that enabled rapid economic globalization as well as negative developments such as the devastating impact of wars fought with modern technology. The author's approach of the formation of the world parliament is through proportional representation of nation's parliaments, thus avoids direct election process for its formation. All the nations and their people's representatives are involved in the formation of the World Parliament and the world government. Based on this line of thinking, the structure for a new federal world government and the new federal world constitution are presented in this book.

About the Author