
by Maricela Griffith



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 22/06/2022

Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 56
ISBN : 9781664144965
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 8.5x11
Page Count : 56
ISBN : 9781664144972

About the Book

I was born and grew up in Reynosa, Tamps., Mexico. I am the oldest of eight children from Oscar Sanchez Vargas and Maria de Jesus Varela Gomez de Sanchez. I studied a year of Psychology in Tampico, Tamps., Mexico. and Business Administration and Public Accountant in Reynosa, Tamps. Mexico. I have a Bachelor’s degree in the USA. I like Math, Business, Languages, Art, and Health. I married Phillip N. Griffith in 2005, with no children. I am a widow. I like to take trips and I love to read. Actually, I am studying the Toefl.ibt. I am working between Mexico and the U.S. as Life Agent, Community Health Worker, Temporary Teacher, Business Administrator and Public Accountant.

About the Author

I was born and grew up in Reynosa, Tamps., Mexico. I am the oldest of eight children from Oscar Sanchez Vargas and Maria de Jesus Varela Gomez de Sanchez. I studied a year of Psychology in Tampico, Tamps., Mexico. and Business Administration and Public Accountant in Reynosa, Tamps. Mexico. I have a Bachelor’s degree in the USA. I like Math, Business, Languages, Art, and Health. I married Phillip N. Griffith in 2005, with no children. I am a widow. I like to take trips and I love to read. Actually, I am studying the Toefl.ibt. I am working between Mexico and the U.S. as Life Agent, Community Health Worker, Temporary Teacher, Business Administrator and Public Accountant.