It's Amazing!

by Dorothy Melton



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 15/09/2021

Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 150
ISBN : 9781664189270
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 150
ISBN : 9781664189287

About the Book

God want his disciples to spread his words and save souls. If they don’t want to listen, go to the next person that will listen. God will give his children the desire of their heart, just trust him and believe in him. God cares about what we go through, and he love us so much. Jesus said my people are destroyed by lack of knowledge. We got to believe in God, and trust him to do what he said he will do. God said the battle is not our, the battle belong to God. As you deal with older people treat them with respect. God let us go through trials to make us strong, and to build up our faith. Do not mock God people. When you mock God people you are mocking God. God want us to put him first in our lives. He do not want us to put idols before him. He is the only God. Jesus said don’t look for signs, and don’t spend time looking at other people. Look at Christ. When you follow Christ you will be persecution. Jesus said the hold would hated him, the world will hate you because you are my disciples. God coming will be swift and sudden. Do not fear, do not worry about tomorrow. Fear is the??? spirit. Do not judge others treate others like you want to be treated. O my God do the judging. God can set you free to be the person he created you to be. God cannot be fooled by satan. Trouble fall on the just and unjust. Curiosity can cause us to stumble. We must commit ourselves to God, including our families, giving it all to God. God can use anyone to carry out his plan. To defeat satan we need the Holy Spirit. We should pray for believers in Christ. Pray for the church around the world. Never think that you are to young or to old to be service to God. Through Christ you have been given the gift of salvation. God does not cause people to sin. God word will stand forever. It is what you say and what you think that make you unclean.

About the Author

I am from Morven North Carolina. I am single. I am a author. I also work for the federal government. I work for them for 30 years. I goes to Victor Temple Church in Wadesboro North Carolina. I am a full member. And I also love God.