Ishtar Coming

by Mahir Salih



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 26/01/2015

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 216
ISBN : 9781499089387
Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 216
ISBN : 9781499089394

About the Book

The story depicts the clash of traditional values with western concept adapted by middle class Iraqi women from Baghdad in the 1980s under Sadam's era. Selma is middle class Baghdadi married woman . She has a feud with Loma who was in a relationship with Selma’s brother in law. Selma learned a secret that Loma tried to keep it from everyone. She is married to a well to do man. He was appointed the Iraqi military attaché in London UK. Loma’s secret haunts her. Her best friend Madeha visit her in London to warn her about the smearing campaign Selma has started back in Baghdad. Madeha is a widow she met her University sweetheart who is dissident opposing the government. Unfortunately ,she discovers later that he wanted to use her to infiltrate in the Iraqi embassy. She was anti-Sadam, pro her lover, but loyal to her friend Loma. The result unpleasant confrontations between the two. the events ends with revenge, plight and an accurate description of the Iraqi daily life.

About the Author

Mahir Salih Iraqi writer. Ishtar coming is the debut of his writings about his birth place Baghdad. He has contributed in play writings and an active member of the amateur drama in Ealing London.