by Bryan Campbell



Book Details

Language :
Publication Date : 9/03/2001

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 5.5x8.5
Page Count : 500
ISBN : 9780738841465

About the Book

Brice Dayton lives in a comfortable house, with a comfortable job, and a generally affable family.  He enjoys simple pleasures and is offensive to few.  He is tolerable of almost everything, and passionate about nothing. The Daytons are a product of their environment—America—where basic necessities and survival are a given for most, and where God is a subtle joke.

And in the parallel realm of spiritual being, Brice dwells in the most dangerous of nations ever to exist on the planet Earth, at a time in history when Satan is ready to make his move. Since the ascension of Christ he has waited:  for the time when man would forget and abandon a higher calling; for a time when man would reject the notion that existence is mysterious; for a time when man would deny evil and embrace science as its savior.

For nearly two thousand years, anonymity has served The Beast well. Now mankind rejects what it cannot understand, yet yearns to understand everything within the confines of human intelligence. And in its arrogance, mankind has created a nation so powerful and so deadly, that no people can resist its influence.  What was once a nation founded upon religious principals now serves as a Mecca to tolerance and prosperity of the flesh.

For The Beast, the time has come to raise the stakes. Patiently he has crafted the perversion of humanity’s focus—towards individuality and wealth and supremacy. Now we are receptive to his filth. Now we will understand his way. It is time for the way of The Beast to be reduced to scripture. Unlike its counterpart, it will be easy, it will be seductive, and it will provide immediate gratification. And the children shall lead the way.

So when Brice’s own child has been selected to champion the scripture of the Unholy, how can he be expected to challenge its author? He lacks a strong religious foundation. He lacks the courage to be ridiculed. He lacks the wisdom to accept his subordinance to a superior being. He lacks the comprehension of a thought process greater than human rationality.

He lacks all of these things, yet he will be a formidable adversary—because he loves his family, and because a patient God loves him. The time of The Beast will come—God has willed it to be so. But The Beast will come on God’s terms.  Brice’s success or failure depends on whether God has determined that time to be now. The reader can decide which side he wants to be on. It’s your choice.

About the Author

Bryan Campbell is a trial lawyer practicing for an insurance defense firm in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. He resides in Irwin, Pennsylvania with his wife, Kela, and his three children, Matt, Brooke and Jeremy.