I Had to Drive, I Was Too Drunk To Walk

by Mark Mann



Book Details

Language :
Publication Date : 30/09/1998

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 5.5x8.5
Page Count : 115
ISBN : 9780738801407
Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 5.5x8.5
Page Count : 115
ISBN : 9780738801391

About the Book

I had to drive, I was too drunk to walk is a compilation of 101 of the funniest, most bizarre excuses given to our nations police officers by the notorious violator.  These excuses are true and documented in the records of numerous police, sheriff and state patrol entities.  The author collected these unique excuses over a period of 11 years.  Some came from personal experiences as an officer and some were passed on by colleagues from across the country.

This book is not only entertaining, but it is also an educational journey for the reader as the author has rated the violators excuses.  The risk ratings include Low, Moderate, High and Step out of the Car.  The risk rating pertains to the probability of arrest or citation a person earns by using the related excuse.  An excuse followed by a Step out of the Car rating usually guarantees the driver a trip to the slammer (probably not a good excuse to use).  Some of these excuses actually worked and the author wants you to know why.  

Its amazing how the stress of being under blue lights, badges, and lots of leather affects us humans.  This is your chance to take a quick peek into the mind of a traffic cop.  How does that mind work?  How do the police decide when to write a ticket?  What makes up the best chances to get out of a ticket?  These questions and more are answered in I had to drive, I was too drunk to walk!

About the Author

Mark Mann is a seasoned police officer for a major metropolitan police agency on the west coast. He has a Bachelor’s Degree in Administration of Justice and is currently the Program Manager for Academy training at the Washington State Criminal Justice Training Center. Mark travels internationally, providing police training and sharing the humorous side of policing.