Poems Are Born To Be Legends

by Mr. D. Rowe



Book Details

Language :
Publication Date : 28/03/2006

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 116
ISBN : 9781599268262
Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 116
ISBN : 9781599268279

About the Book

Running late for work one morning, stepping off of the number two train in the Bronx. I ran into a author who had published at least six books. I asked; who where your publishers? He replied “He was self published” I picked up one of his novels briefly looked at it and put it back. Then I asked; do you like poetry? “He said it’s alright, but it doesn’t sell very well. If you look in the book stores there collecting dust” I wished him the best without any resentment. I said to myself. If you love someone or something truly wonderful, these gifts from God or distinguished works shall be legends of their own. I think that poetry is just as definitive as any love story or horror story. There were and are many great poets who have and still interpret what there lives mean to this great art. Some of my favorites are Gill Scott-Heron, Nikki Giovanni, Maya Angelou, Tupak Shukar, Langston Hughes, Emily Dickerson, Nas, Chuck D, The Last Poets Pamela, Sneed, Shakespare, Eager Allen Poe, Jacqualyn Johnson, Rakim, KRS-ONE Guru, Dead Prez and Victor C.

About the Author

MR. D. ROWE’S “Poems Are Born To Be Legends” take you deeper into his striking and vivid world of poetry. He was born Darryl R. Rowe in Jamaica Hospital Queens, New York. As a child he would later take on the name Mister, occasionally when His mother got angry with him. The name would grow with him later on in life. When he attended New York Tech College he studied Lithography and creative writing His friends started calling him MR.D. when he was Introduced into the hard hitting lyrical world of Rap music. So he decided to write and recite with a style that had no boundaries like Jazz music. He then continued his studies at the Frederick Douglas Creative Arts Center. Here is where his skills would continue to develop and he would Continue to develop and he would publish his first book “My Heart My Soul: Poetry Of The Heart and Soul” He has an admiration and love for art and Jazz music. whenever he isn’t working full time he’s spending time with his mother and writing.