I'm Not a Poet but I Write Poetry

Poems from My Autistic Mind

by Tito Rajarshi Mukhopadhyay



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 27/06/2012

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 72
ISBN : 9781477126387
Format : E-Book
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 72
ISBN : 9781477126394

About the Book

Tito Rajarshi Mukhopadhyay, a leading poet (though he does not acknowledge it) and memoirist of the experience of autism, was born in India in 1988. Tito was diagnosed with severe autism at the age of three, but his mother Soma, with fi erce hope and determination, devised an intensive rapid prompting method to teach Tito to read and write. In 2001, Tito and his mother came to the United States to begin work collaborating with doctors, re-searchers, and advocates in order to better understand and support individuals with autism. At a very early age, Tito began expressing himself in prose and poetry and numerous collections of his work have been published (see below). More recently, Tito has become a leading fi gure in the neurodiversity movement, challenging conventional measures of mental states and abilities. As Tito describes himself: “Human beings have classifi ed each other based on religion, country, disorders and of course in today’s world their sexual choices. It is easy to recognize each other based on classifi cation. Hence, doctors have classifi ed me with Autism.” Tito’s life and work have been featured widely in the media, including “Sixty Minutes”,“Good Morning America,” The New York Times, Scientifi c American, National Geographic, PBS, CNN, Disability Studies Quarterly and in the documentaries Tito’s Story (BBC, 1999) and A Mother’s Courage (HBO, 2010) Tito now lives in Austin, Texas, where his mother directs the autism organization HALO http://www.halo-soma.org and Tito and his mother make frequent presentations to autism education and advocacy organizations nationwide.

About the Author