
Yoga and self defense

by Radhika Khanna



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 23/06/2017

Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 152
ISBN : 9781543429503
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 152
ISBN : 9781543429480
Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 152
ISBN : 9781543429497

About the Book

Little by little, instead of advancing, this society is still somehow making the world smaller for girls. Here everyone thought that women have been granted more power and more rights than ever, yet, women still struggle. Why is it that women cannot be left in peace? Why is it that they are targeted as weak victims when it is the furthest thing from the truth? What women need is a way to protect them selves from the negativity this society has to offer. Yoga and self-defense skills are what will pave the way for women for a safe and positive living. Gaining a sense of power and control definitely boosts self-esteem and helps build their personality to an extent they did not deem possible. Teens today, go through so many problems. Some incited through school like bullying, peer pressure, memory and concentration problems. While other provoked through bad company or troubles at home including drug use, alcohol, peer pressure and some maybe just because of being at the wrong place at the wrong time like rape and molestation. All the chapters in this book emphasize on a meditative and tranquil mind for negative emotions like anger and fear that may build up inside of you and lead you to ruin. It preaches the why and how teenagers of today may become mentally, emotionally and physically strong and in result, altering them into calm and flourishing adults. This book teaches all young girls to stop being afraid of the manipulative world and gain the confidence and poise to instead, walk shoulder to shoulder with them in every aspect of life; certain and brave.

About the Author

RADHIKA KHANNA is an Indian American fashion designer, entrepreneur, and writer. Stand out is Khanna’s third book. Radhika moved to U.S.A all by herself in her early twenties. All she had was no more than a bag, a handful of hopes and dreams along with her unwavering determination. She studied at the Fashion Institute of Technology, New York, while working full time and supporting herself. She said, “I didn’t know how to handle stress when I was younger, I realize now. Raised amongst mainly boys in a small conservative town in India, I would argue for girl’s rights and get stressed all the time”. In her early thirties, Radhika was diagnosed with Lupus. Lupus is an incurable auto-immune disease that affects mostly women. But, she was not the one to lose hope. She started practicing yoga and successfully put her disease in remission and pursue her dreams again. She says that now she realizes that she should’ve learned to stay calm through her teens and could’ve saved herself from her physical ailments. Teenage girls today, go through so many more problems. All the chapters in this book emphasize on a meditative and tranquil mind for negative emotions like anger and fear that may build up inside of you and lead you to ruin. It preaches the why and how teenagers of today may become mentally, emotionally and physically strong and in result, altering them into calm and flourishing adults.