God Go With Them

by David Truskoff



Book Details

Language :
Publication Date : 18/07/2001

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 5.5x8.5
Page Count : 326
ISBN : 9780738845937
Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 5.5x8.5
Page Count : 326
ISBN : 9780738845920

About the Book

SIDNEY T. BLACK PUBLISHING www.erols.com/suttonbear NE WS WIRE GOD GO WITH THEM by David Truskoff now available at AMAZON...BORDERS..BARNES AND NOBLE, and BOOKS STORES EVERYWHERE. ask for it. isnb# 0-7388-4592-2 hard cover...0-7388-4593-0 AUTHOR´S ANSWER TO EX SENATOR BOB KERRY´S EXCUSE FOR THE ATROCITIES COMMITTED IN VIETNAM. "Do 1 feel any sympathy for Bob Kerry? I do not. He made his choice, as a volunteer, to become one of the best trained killers in the world, and rode his medals into a political career. In contrast, at the same time, a young David Mitchell chose to tell Judge Emmett Clarie in Hartford Federal Court that the whole world is aware of the atrocities being committed by US forces In Vietnam, and said he would not participate. Clark sentenced him to five years in prison for not registering for the draft. He broke the law, but it was he who was putting the United States on trial He used as his defense the precedent of individual guilt set by US Chief Justice Robert H. Jackson at Nuremberg." David Truskoff "GOD GO WITH THEM" by David Truskoff This is a work of fiction based on the truth. The author was an Area Director for The American Friends Service Committee during the turbulent decade of the sixties. "GOD GO With THEM" is the lead story in a TRILOGY of that era. The real tragedy of the times was not just the ugly war in Vietnam itself, but the untold story of the pain inflicted on the many parents of young boys who had to decide between being a conscientious objector; join the thousands who left their country, go to jail, or go to kill or be killed. Tough decisions for an eighteen-year-old boy. If ex-Secretary McNamara (in a large way responsible for the deaths of over fifty thousand American boys) admits in his book that, "We were wrong, terribly wrong," then Isn´t it time to honor the soldiers of peace who were right, terribly right? Now, at middle age, they ask for no medals. They ask only to have their dignity and honor restored by their countrymen. Today, as the media reports an expected long US military presence in Kosovo, and the horror of the Trade Center and Pentagon bombing, they fear another war and a reintroduction to the Draft. Will a new generation be forced to go and kill or be killed? WHY SHOULD EX SENATOR BOB KERRY NOT BE TRIED FOR WAR CRIMES AND THOSE WHO HAD THE COURAGE TO SAY NO REMAIN STIGMATIZED?

About the Author

David Truskoff is the author of seven acclaimed books.