When Darkness Falls

Vengeance doesn't erase the past, but that won't stop one man from trying.

by Michael Crane



Book Details

Language :
Publication Date : 9/02/2001

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 5.5x8.5
Page Count : 103
ISBN : 9780738848839

About the Book

In the year 2030, the world has become chaotic and nightmarish. Violence is everywhere you look, and death is in the air. States and cities are now ruled by vicious dictators who will stop at nothing to stay on top. Notorious foot soldiers from Hell, known as "prison guards," roam around, killing, torturing, and capturing the innocent. Innocent people are locked in dungeons and are executed without warning. The streets that used to flow with people now flow with the blood of the innocent.

A dictator named, Kano Shalt, is in control of Los Angeles. He is a ruthless and blood-thirsty man who slaughters anyone who dares to get in his way. He sends his prison guards to "take out" trouble makers or throw them into torturous cells located in two dungeons. Although his territory is small, he is pure evil like the world has never seen.

The only man who can stop him is Jack Conwell, a tortured soul bent on revenge. Conwell wants compensation in blood for the gruesome murder of his parents when he was young. Now all grown up, Jack is determined to set things right, no matter what the cost. A man with a dark heart and a past is about to put Kano’s plans to a screeching halt, for he is ready to wage a one-man war.

In this first book of a five-part series is the beginning of a dark epic, and the beginning of the ultimate war between good and evil. Filled with violent action, suspense, twists, and drama, "When Darkness Falls" tells the story of one man’s war between the world and himself. Vengeance won’t erase the past, but that won’t stop Conwell from trying.

Sometimes the most powerful heroes are created from the most horrific situations.

Still not sure if you would like to read the book? HereĀ“s what someone had to say about the book: "Michael Crane has written a tale of darkness that plays out on literal and metaphoric levels. The novel is episodic with each event leading to the final blood soaked confrontation. The action is fast paced and will appeal to those who like action centered prose. When Darkness Falls is a fine first effort from Crane." -Marianne Matthews, High School English teacher

About the Author

Michael Crane is a senior at Carl Sandburg High School who has been writing since he was little. When Darkness Falls is his first published book. He lives in Orland Park, Illinois. Michael plans on writing many novels in the future. He would like to write humorous, action/suspense, drama, horror, and thriller books. His main goal in writing stories and books is to get the readers complete attention, whether it be shock or interest. He is currently working on When Darkness Falls 2: Ghost Town, which will be coming out soon.