Alcoholism As An Allergy

by Mary Greeley



Book Details

Language :
Publication Date : 15/05/2001

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 5.5x8.5
Page Count : 146
ISBN : 9780738853833

About the Book

An original study of the psychological and physiological aspects of alcoholism.

I have often wondered why Alcoholism is treated as a mental illness, when no barrier exists between the body and the brain.

Another often overlooked important factor is that alcohol can impair or speed up absorption of nutrients. Possibility of skewing results or symptoms.

Another confusing factor is the use of Ethyl alcohol in studies and research. Why not use total alcoholic beverages?


The clients appear to be suffering from one or more of these five disorders:

1. Thyroid disorders.

2. Food allergies to everyday table items such as corn, wheat and dairy products.

3. Candida-related complex.

4. Hypoglycemia.

5. Nutritional deficits of such substances as B-complex vitamins, basic amino acids, and key minerals such as zinc, magnesium and calcium.

None of the above conditions have responded to group therapy or counseling techniques.

An alcoholic beverage is a dose of wheat or corn in convenient liquid form. Ethanol is the vehicle that delivers this food source so quickly.

An alcoholic beverage contains:

1. Grass family: Rice, malt, wheat, corn, rye, sugar, beet cane, oats, sorghum, barley.  

2. Ethyl alcohol (primarily a vehicle)

3. Brewers yeast: Saccharomyces cerevisiae

4. Molds, fungus: Wheat = claviceps purpura, Corn = aflatoxin, Both molds are ergot based.

5. phyto estrogens (plant estrogen hormones) ingredients in booze, not ethanol, can cause fetal alcohol syndrome, breast cancer, birth defects.

6. Pesticides, flavorings: (Pesticides contribute to molds, and long term exposure to molds can cause madness, hallucinations.)

This is the allergy that Dr. Silkworth calls “The obsession of the mind which compels them to drink, and the allergy of the body that condemns then to go mad or die. There is one symptom in common, the phenomena of craving. This phenomenon may be the manifestation of an allergy which differentiates theses people.

Dr. Silkworth states: “Alcoholism must be an allergy, because some people can tolerate it without developing craving and other symptoms, while others cannot.”  “A true allergic state. The constancy of the symptoms and the progression is too fixed to permit any other explanation.” “Some are allergic from birth, but the condition usually occurs later in life.” “It is our purpose to show that there is a type of alcoholism characterized by a definite symptomatology and a fixed diagnosis indicative  of a constant and specific pathology: in short, that true alcoholism is a manifestation of an allergy.

There is no single cause, no germ, no virus, or even alcohol itself, or if so, everyone who drank would be alcoholic. Is it something called an allergy? Yes, it is, but not by scientists.

My information is from old and non-traditional medicine, as well as current research. I have included historical and biblical references which are valid today.

As long ago as 1916, Professor Bechold of Leipzig University, in his textbook on “Colloids in Biology and Medicine:, said “Someday, chronic alcoholism may possibly receive a physiochemical explanation from the changes of the body colloids. We cannot use emotional explanations, but must understand and accept the situation as a law of nature operating inexorably.”

While working as an allergy technician for the founding father of Clinical Ecology, Dr. Lawrence Dickey, I became clinically intoxicated with a minute dose of corn allergy extract. I was sober three years at the time. Dr. Dickey also alleviated the reaction with a different dosage of the corn extract. He said “Oh, alcoholism is just Corn Allergy”. This led to my 18 years of research on this subject.


A yeast like fungus that is considered both a harmless parasite (symbiotic),  and a dangerous pathogen. It cohosts with all living things, but when depri

About the Author

· Author of two books · Contemporary researcher 18 years · Medical, research & allergy technician 8 years · Recovery from Alcoholism 21 years · Substance abuse counselor 5 years · Multiple Personality specialist 4 years Illness prevented my completing my degree, but not my research. Special interests: Arabian horses, Alcoholics, Behaviors.