Soul Love Connections

by Sandra Jane



Book Details

Language :
Publication Date : 6/11/2001

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 5.5x8.5
Page Count : 167
ISBN : 9781401022198

About the Book

Edward R. Barstone - Through a friend following her psychic guidance I am introduced to another psychic; a potential boyfriend. A dating situation and ensuing love develops. I feel finally I have found a soulmate who is an equal partner that can relate on the multi-levels of awareness a psychic functions on. As the story plays out I once again am faced with a character type who is like my mother. I use my psychic abilities to sort through deception that is invisible to the naked eye. Edward is faced with two very different probable futures based on his choice of woman.

Bo - I receive a phone call letting me know a former boyfriend has recently died. The reader is taken through my experience of reconnecting with Bo´s family and spirit. After experiencing soul love as intensely as I have ever felt I build a channel, ask for his guides to come through and send Bo´s spirit into the light...he awaits for me at heavens door where I told him he could be my king once more.

Shadow - After being misdiagnosed and given a drug that was toxic to her my cat Shadow nearly dies. My psychic channel is clear with guidance coming through in various forms and I begin to take note of "coincidences", dreams, chance meetings and strong psychic guidance. I change treatment approach. All local traditional vets feel I am killing my cat by choosing the treatment plan that goes against "orthodox procedure" in treating hyperthroidism. The drug Shadow is put on creates a strain on her heart at the same time the hyperthyroidism is still at a deadly (9.1) level.

I show the reader through the use of God source energy and an energy of love how I work with the cat as energy and lead her through the medication stabilization time. She adjusts to the high dosage of the very potent drug prednisone. The "key" that God sent me proves to be the right one and Shadow defies veterinary science.

I am a psychic and teacher of psychic ability development. It is my belief that every individual having a desire to develop psychic abilities has the potential to do so.

Almost everyone at some time in their life has reached out to something beyond themselves and asked for assistance.

Higher guidance comes through to people by change in thought perspective, new ideas, symbols that appear in the minds eye, strong feeling impressions or even repeating song phrases within the mind. "Coincidences" that happen in life after requests for guidance are made are often not consciously recognized as answers to requested guidance. Through my writing and life experience I hope to make people more aware of the subtleties of what is going on around them.

Everyone has the potential to quiet their minds, set a quiet meditative space and receive feedback after requesting assistance from whatever higher source they believe is available. Soul Love Connections illustrates practical examples of guided imagery, visualization, and demonstrates the use of love as energy to create a healing channel. It is my sincere hope my readers will integrate some of these techniques into their own lives.

If broken down into step-by-step examples EVERY person can receive and interpret psychic guidance, empower themselves and enrich their lives. I believe we have great ability to influence outcome and create harmony, healing and balance in our lives through the use of "God source" energy, angels, guides, etc. This, of course needs to be combined with the understanding of how our thoughts, feelings and beliefs are manifesting our current life experience.

In this book you will be taken on three journeys of love, exploration and growth. I share these experiences to demonstrate the multi-levels of depth there is to the energy of love...


Life Without Illusion

About the Author

The author Sandra Jane has a master's degree in counseling and twenty years of experience within the profession. She owns a personally designed combined-in-one home and state certified counseling center near Madison, Wisconsin. She has been practicing hypnotherapy, counseling and doing psychic readings there since 1988.