Uncommon Sense and Nonsense, Vol II

Is America Mentally Ill?

by Nolan Williams



Book Details

Language :
Publication Date : 5/11/2002

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 5.5x8.5
Page Count : 147
ISBN : 9781401032296

About the Book

Here we experience uncommon psychological insights applied to many diverse common problems from personal relationships, economics, politics and religion to the mentality and behavior of nations, both current and historical. The slave trade and the probable origin of most western black people is investigated. Civil rights which are a prelude to freedom, the next level of human rights. And the relative role of Jesus ad his nemesis, Machiavelli in Western thought and behavior is examined. Finally, the writings of St. James, brother of Jesus are examined in "The Father of Jesus, God or Zacharias?"

About the Author