
A Novel of War and Peace

by m. e. Jabbour



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 16/05/2006

Format : E-Book
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 265
ISBN : 9781465324092
Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 265
ISBN : 9781425710408
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 265
ISBN : 9781425710392

About the Book

Attachment: a novel of war and peace – is historical fiction during the 2004 presidential election. Set upon the backdrop of the stunning Oregon coast and exhilarating Colorado Rockies, it weaves a colorful tapestry of global war, American culture, interpersonal psychology, and individual motivation and emotion. "That is a very brave book you have written." Carla Perry; author/poet. "Bought it, got it, read it, loved it!" Michelle Perkins; Exceptional Family Resource Center. "The cat has definitely leaped out of the bag." Rhaine Gonzalez; student. "A live coal." Sandra McRae; author, poet. "I´ve started many a book, put them down and never finished them. Yours was read in two days - think that says something, especially since I´m opposed to most (or is it all) of what Joe believes in." Judy Mangers. "A GREAT read, Mark... It caught me emotionally--POW--always a sign of >> excellent writing." JoAnn Ray; feminist, university professor. "...the scenes with Bobbie and the relationship between Joe and his father -- particularly the memories of abuse -- how those scenes were done -- WOW WAS I IMPRESSED!!!!!!" Mary Collopy Southworth; Educator. "I read Attachment in two days. I enjoyed it. A good book." John Dicke; Psychologist. "this is one smart beautiful book." Murray Moulding; poet. "I liked your book a lot! Well done." Laura Prichett; Author. Read more reviews, or order also at: And/or:

About the Author

Mark Jabbour graduated from Fort Collins High School, Colorado, in 1968; and then attended Colorado State University where he majored in Anthropology. He left school and traveled the country before retuning to Colorado, building a house, and working as a bartender in Denver. Subsequently, he studied cabinetmaking at Red Rocks Community College; and took up cabinet and furniture making before going back, again, to school and getting an honors degree in psychology, which led to his entering the profession of mental health. He advanced his studies with the Graduate School of Social Work, at the University of Denver. In 2001 he opened Stories Bookstore in Evergreen, Colorado. He moved to Oregon in 2004, and began work on his first novel, Attachment: A Novel Of War And Peace. Mr. Jabbour now lives in the Colorado Rockies with his dog and cat, and writes.