God Esteem, Not Self-Esteem

by Vicki Chandler



Book Details

Language :
Publication Date : 18/10/2006

Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 137
ISBN : 9781425729301
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 137
ISBN : 9781425729295

About the Book

God Esteem, Not Self Esteem Summary It seems that “self esteem” is a household phrase nowadays. But for those who have low self esteem it’s more than just a phrase. It represents real pain. Trying to boost your own self esteem, at times, is so difficult. Good self esteem can be very fragile. People or circumstances can really shake our feelings of self worth. Too often life seems to control us by shaping our feelings. We all desperately want to find approval, acceptance, hope, and comfort. Life seems so hard. We just want relief. We all want to discover our true value and purpose. But we can’t always control situations or other people. So what can we do? The answer lies not in what we do, but in how we think. The challenge is to change how we think. Rather than focusing on how much we esteem ourselves, we should focus on God’s esteem for us. Complete contentment results from considering how much He loves us. At the core of God esteem is an intimate awareness of God. He who created the universe created you - not by mistake, but by loving design. God esteem is the knowledge that there is One who loves you unconditionally even when striving to please others fails. He loves you when everyone else rejects you or betrays you. He forgives you and still loves you when you fail or sin. He demonstrated that love when He sent His only Son to die for you. God esteem involves an assurance that you have a purpose in life. There is a confidence that God, who esteems you so highly, will take care of you (even through difficult times). It’s a matter of shifting focus and trusting in Him. Shifting from self esteem to God esteem results in relief from the hidden, helpless feelings of inadequacy. As you relinquish your need to control your self esteem and allow God to minister to you, He will guide you through life. Trust the Lord to minister to you and heal those emotions we refer to as poor self esteem. In this book you will find promises that the Bible has for you. As you read them you will gain an assurance that God will complete the good work He has begun in you. He is faithful and He loves you. The entire thrust of the book is to help you transform your thinking about self esteem. Practical suggestions are offered to address feelings typically referred to as poor self esteem. They include: • Shift your focus to God. • Shift your focus to helping others. • Be a God pleaser and not a man pleaser. • Pray for God to reveal His will for you and to enable you to do it. • Work hard. • Change your expectations. Expect tribulation rather than accept the popular belief that we are all entitled to a life of complete comfort. • Ask God to reveal your gifts and talents. • Periodically do a “reality check.” Look around and see that problems are all relative. We all experiencing difficulties. Life doesn’t seem so unfair when we consider what others have to deal with. Our challenges in life sometimes pale in comparison to the ordeals of others. We can always find someone who is worse off. • Welcome mistakes as opportunities to learn and grow, rather than viewing them as failures. It’s at those times we see God working the most.

About the Author

Vicki Chandler is a teacher, author, speaker, wife and mother (of two sons and a daughter in law). She began her career in education 30 years ago, earning B. S. degrees in elementary education and in vision. Later, she earned a Master’s degree in special education. She’s taught in public schools and in Christian schools. In addition, she was a school administrator. Throughout her career, she has done teacher training. As a parent and as an educator, Vicki has had to address the issue of poor self esteem. Many parents and teachers seek her advice on the issue. She’s experienced anguish whenever she heard her students with special needs or her own son expressing their feelings of inferiority and worthlessness. All of her experiences have shown her that God esteem is the only solution to poor self esteem because it provides a clear understanding to a person’s real value and purpose in life. She is God’s messenger of hope to you. Other published books by Vicki include: MS Living with Hope and Strength (about her life as a patient with Multiple Sclerosis) Journey From Insanity to Sanity – A Mother’s Journey with Her Son (about her son’s struggles with and triumph over mental illness)