Three Trimesters ... A Journal to Motherhood

A Journal to Motherhood

by Carmen Borthwick



Book Details

Language :
Publication Date : 17/09/2008

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 8.5x8.5
Page Count : 154
ISBN : 9781436343237
Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 8.5x8.5
Page Count : 154
ISBN : 9781436343244

About the Book

Three Trimesters… A Journal to Motherhood is a unique and often humorous journal to help soon-to-be moms and their partners make choices and decisions that are as personal as the life they are creating. Designed to chronicle every aspect of pregnancy the journal is divided into three sections, one for each trimester, and also provides pages to help in choosing the right health care provider, keeping track of appointments, ultra sound and proudly growing belly pictures, ample space to write notes to and from health care providers, and much more. With each trimester come emotional as well as physical changes. Pages are strategically placed for mom-to-be to share, in her own words, what she is experiencing, and in turn pages for her partner to respond and relate what they are experiencing allowing for more relaxed and positive communication.

About the Author

If you’re wondering how I am privy to this insight I have been in your belly-bulging state three glorious times. Okay, okay it wasn’t all glamour and glitz, but it was nonetheless glorious. I dedicate this journal to my children; my daughter, Noelle, whose fingers I almost broke, squeezing her hand so hard as her brothers were born. I couldn’t have done it without her; my sons, Richard and Nicholas for growing out and up with me and not breaking any arms or legs along the way, and to my husband for not fainting during my labour… seriously… and for being the wonderful, involved, hands-on father he was and still is.