What Manner of Man Is This?
Book Details
About the Book
Who was Jesus? Was he just a Jew who lived 2000 years ago? Was he God incarnate? Was he the Messiah, a teacher, a healer, a miracle worker or a world savior? He was all of these things, depending on what source you are using to define him. This book tells us about Jesus, perhaps the greatest man who ever lived among us, through a number of different, and often differing sources: (1) The Holy Bible - both Old and New Testaments; (2)modern scholars and historians who make frequent use of documents not discovered until the middle of the last century; (3)from the stories of people who knew him uncovered though the agency of past-life regressions; and 4)from two well-known twentieth century psychics, Edgar Cayce and Levi Dowling who obtained their information from what they called the "akashic records". To supplement the material quoted herein footnotes are provided that list the author and publisher of more than sixty books used in doing research for this book.
About the Author
The author has a degree in Business and Engineering from Massachusetts Institute of Technology. He is a charter member of the American Institute of Industrial Engineers and for a number of years worked as a registered professional engineer with a major oil company in Oklahoma and in Texas. He completed all his course requirements while living in Texas for an MBA degree majoring in Economics at Texas Tech but since he was successful in getting an attractive position with another oil company in Oklahoma he was unable to remain in Texas to complete all the requirements for his MBA degree. The author is a lifelong Episcopalian who has recently completed all four years of the church’s Education for Ministry program.