Light of Consciousness

by Martin Odudukudu



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 21/07/2011

Format : E-Book
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 133
ISBN : 9781477167656
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 133
ISBN : 9781462869060
Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 133
ISBN : 9781462869077

About the Book

Summary for Light of Consciousness Metaphysics is a controversial subject because its concepts are not the same as and do not follow the same process of thinking as in other subjects. To think metaphysically, one must “thinks out of the box”; one must think independently of empirical objects, and this has to be learned. Here, one separates objective experiences from those occurring independently of objects. Such thinking or experiences are unusual, and are different from everyday thinking processes. Otherwise, one does not differentiate characteristics one ascribes to absolute intelligence (God) from those ascribed to objects. Empiricists may insist there is no such thing as an experience independent of an object; but they do not explain the objects if any that one perceives, conceives and represents as time, space or self consciousness. In Critic of Pure Reason, Kant (1781-1787) sees nature as subject to necessary law. These laws, Kant would say are accessible to us because cognition of these laws depends on the subject of thinking who characterizes perceptions of nature according to rules. The problem that arises from this way of framing subjective and objective relationship is answering the question, “what and how a subject must be in order to operate as a part of or apart from nature and still be said to determine it?” Kant´s answer to this dilemma is to split nature into objective and intelligible (object and things as they are in themselves) realm; however, he does not explain how the intelligible, independent of thinking, connects with the objective realm; that is, how an object determines another. In view of these problems, Light of Consciousness is intended to achieve two main goals; (1) in chapter one, we attempt to point out the cognition with its elements in virtue of which Metaphysics may also ascend its throne as a legitimate subject matter. Here, just as cognition of external object is cognition of objective relations or physics, the object of cognition in metaphysics consist of a subject (an aspect) of inner sense saddled with the task of thinking, and therefore not objective. A main problem of Metaphysics is that a subject of inner sense is empirical; therefore no experience no subject of inner sense. In other words, without experience there is no subject of inner sense or self; but what about the fact that there is a consciousness that something is occurring? Is not that enough justification to claim a consciousness of "ground" independent of an object? Light of Consciousness answers this question affirmatively; this book addresses problems related to claim of "Ground" not merely by declaring its existence, but also by pointing out instances of its occurrence in our experiences. In the other chapters of the book, we attempts to analyze other important and related topics of metaphysics, and to show how these topics help to further simply the subject matter. We describe these various aspects of the subject matter of metaphysics and point out how they relate to self. Specifically, we explicate and seek to establish that the process involved when one "stands away" from thinking is a real activity unique to the human being. In the chapter of time and space, we attempt to explicate its constituents as they relate to self. In the chapter on Monad, we went further to establish the natures of primary elements of nature, by explicating a process of development of pure and objective consciousness and their processes. Finally, in the chapters on consciousness and thought, we attempt to describe and explicate elements, constitution and process of operations of pure and objective consciousness. Here, we explain what consciousness is, what it consists of. Most important, we attempt to identify the nature of a consciousness in virtue of which one determine a representation of time and space, and to differentiate this from a consciousness in virtue of which one determines and represents an object in ti

About the Author