Mirror of Opposition

by T.S. Robinson



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 4/02/2010

Format : E-Book
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 235
ISBN : 9781462809035
Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 235
ISBN : 9781441561015
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 235
ISBN : 9781441561008

About the Book

Mirror of Opposition chronicles the physical, mental and spiritual maturation of three adolescent boys who begin their journey as friends training to become samurai warriors at a prestigious dojo. Along the way, their paths soon split apart after an ancient evil destroys all that they know, putting them on their own soul-searching journeys (one alive, one dead, and one undead) to manhood. Eventually, their supernatural paths cross again as they are reunited during an epic battle that will ultimately pit their childhood friendships against everything they have come to know and stand for as men.

About the Author

T.S. Robinson, of Jacksonville FL, spent his adolescence playing RPGs, especially Dungeons & Dragons. A fan of high fantasy, he began dabbling in the creation of it during RPG campaigns, and took up the pen seriously in 1995. When he’s not writing, you can find him frequenting martial arts dojos (holder of five black belts), comedy clubs (both as a performer and a fan), and fitness centers (certified personal trainer and fitness instructor). Mirror of Opposition is his third novel to be published. His first novel (Battle-Chasers) was published in 1999, and his second (Into The Dragon's Maw) was published in 2001. Both are available through XLIBRIS Corp., Barnes & Noble, and Amazon.com The author invites you to visit his website: www.tsrbook.com and welcomes your feedback: t-s-r@juno.com.