Book Details
About the Book
THE UNHAPPY FIREFLY is a story about Luzi, and her wish to be something other than a blinking on and off firefly. Her search for a new identity takes her into the starry sky where she meets some of the constellations and inquires how she can be like them, and shine continuously. Her desire is finally granted, but she realizes that this is really not what she wanted, or was meant to be. She longs to be her old self again, and her wish is granted as she once again becomes a blinking on and off firefly. She is finally content to be who she was made to be.
About the Author
Ruth Gerhart Genco is the mother of three children, grandmother of six grandchildren. She was born in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania; Married John Genco in 1957 and has been a pastor's wife for the past 52 years. Ruth and John have been residing in Vermont since 1957, presently living in Derby, Vermont. Ruth is an accomplished musician, as well as an artist. This is her first attempt at writing a children's book. The inspiration came from a dream. There is an old statement that says, "If you want your dreams to come true, you must wake up and do something about it." With much delight, she put her art and her inspired story together in this book.