Turn Medicaid Nightmares into Miracles

Let's Deal with Medicaid and Protect Your Assets - NOW!

by Cheryl L. Fletcher-Docherty



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 21/02/2012

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 83
ISBN : 9781465398376
Format : E-Book
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 83
ISBN : 9781465398390
Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 83
ISBN : 9781465398383

About the Book

Without proper, strategic planning for Medicaid qualification, the sad reality is that already cash-strapped families will face enormous hospital and nursing home bills on behalf of loved ones in need, and they will likely lose everything in the process. Let’s face it: Most of us have no “vast” fortune to fall back on when a medical crisis strikes a loved one. As a result of poor planning, the real tragedy accordingly occurs when entire family legacies are stripped away - sometimes within a few short months or even weeks - because an elderly loved one falls into “the zone” of nursing homes and exploding hospital costs for catastrophic care. As a highly qualified Medicaid Planning Specialist of more than 15 years, I have run into this type of tragedy time and again. Yet, I have never lost the passion to prevent it, given enough time for advance planning, or to stop the Medicaid destruction cycle in mid-stream.

About the Author

Cheryl L. Fletcher-Docherty is a Medicaid Planning Specialist with over 15 years experience in the field of Medicaid, Medicaid crisis planning, and Medicaid annuity planning. From her seaside office in Santa Cruz, she now fields questions from people all over the nation in need of solving their individual Medicaid nightmares. These people include average folk who become her clients and they include elder law attorneys, estate lawyers and financial planners from every corner of the U.S. – all of whom run into seemingly incomprehensible hurdles in the Medicaid application process. Not only does she guide them through the Medicaid maze, she also helps in saving them thousands of dollars in nursing home expenses.