Ramblings of a Charmed Circle Flyfisher

by Ed Ostapczuk



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 21/05/2012

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 185
ISBN : 9781477112007
Format : E-Book
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 185
ISBN : 9781477112021
Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 185
ISBN : 9781477112014

About the Book

Ramblings of a Charmed Circle Flyfisher retraces over forty years of fly fishing the Catskill mountains first inspired by a two-part magazine article published in the spring of 1969. Cecil E. Heacox’s articles entitled “Charmed Circle of the Catskills” appeared in the March and April issues of Outdoor Life. Heacox wrote about several legendary Catskill Mountain trout streams informing the reader why they were charmed. Ostapczuk has been retracing Heacox’s journey ever since, taking his readers along on the journey.

About the Author

Ed lives in the Catskills with his wife, Lois where they have resided since 1973. They have four children and six grandchildren; he is retired from both public education and a career in corporate America. He has also worked as a licensed New York State fishing guide and former fly-fishing instructor. Ed has been fishing since he was 8 years old and fly fishing for trout in the Catskills since 1969. He authored a chapter in the book Trophy Trout Streams of the Northeast, edited by Jim Capossela and has appeared in Trout magazine. Additionally, the ERIC Clearinghouse on Teaching and Teacher Education has published some of his work. Finally Ed is the recipient of several local and regional conservation awards for his efforts to preserve and protect the wild trout streams of the Catskills. In 1981 Theodore Gordon Flyfishers bestowed their prestigious Salmo Award on Ed and the following year Trout Unlimited presented Ed with their 1982 Trout Conservation Award. Then in 1999 the New York State Council of Trout Unlimited conferred the author their Chapter Newsletter Award.