Isobel's Odyssey

by Ann Blair Kloman



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 7/06/2010

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 165
ISBN : 9781453509173
Format : E-Book
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 165
ISBN : 9781453509197
Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 165
ISBN : 9781453509180

About the Book

Isobel, a widow of a certain age and long-time resident of a small fishing village on the coast of Maine, decides she requires additional income to support her desire for first-class travel. She answers an ad for a hired mercenary to an ex-Mafia don, first testing her homicidal capabilities at home and later, with her niece Jo in tow, moving on to assignments in Montana to dispatch a Japanese harvester of children’s body parts, in Stockholm to remove a Russian anthrax intermediary, and, in Bermuda to “put paid” to an English high-class pimp. She and Jo, of course, savor the fine accommodations and gastronomic rewards of their efforts, but will they receive their comeuppance? And what of the mysterious gentleman who pops up at each of their assignments?

About the Author

Born in California, raised in Seattle and a resident in the east for almost 50 years with husband, Ann Blair Kloman is the mother of four, grandmother to nine and a long-time student of the mystery novel. She also spends her summers in a small coastal village in midcoast Maine. She is a lifelong avid gardener, a student of Braille, a painter, and an alto in a local choir. She is at work on her second mystery.