The Holy Spirit

Spiritual Gifts

by Dr. Danette M. Vercher Th.D D.R.E Ph.D



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 21/07/2010

Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 58
ISBN : 9781453507582
Format : E-Book
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 58
ISBN : 9781453507599
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 58
ISBN : 9781453507575

About the Book

The Holy Spirit "Spiritual Gifts' is a book that explains the Spirit of God working in a believer's life, and compelling the lost to accept Jesus as their Lord and Savior. Dr. Verchér explains the various Christian writer's opinions, but also adhere's to the Holy Scriptures as the doctrine Christians should consult, as well as the being led by the Holy Spirit with an anticipation of unhindered relationship with God, and the spiritual gifts He wants to indwell the believer with. As you read through the chapters please feel free to walk though the study guide to maintain your Christian understanding, and allow the Holy Spirit to meet you as the promise of another helper and intercessor in your life.

About the Author

Dr. Verchér is a Renown Christian Counselor. Her Concentrations, and fields of Specializations are: Christian Sex Therapy, Christian Marriage and Family Therapy, Christians and Chronic Mental Disorders, Christians and Drug/Alcohol Recovery, Christians and Domestic Violence, Christian Survivors and Victims of Rape and Molestation, and Tactical Military Initiative Divisional Counseling. She is a prolific and profound Evangelist, Christian Educator, Philosopher, Keynote and Inspirational Conference Speaker; Teacher, Preacher, Author, Actress, Life Coach, Spiritual Midwife, Live Radio Host, Entrepreneur, Philanthropist and Instructor for the International Sunday School Department of the Church of God In Christ. Dr. Verchér is also an advisor to a host of Ministry Leaders and Corporate Business Executives around the world.  She has been given to the Body of Christ to preach and operate in the Spirit under a strong prophetic governing mantle that transcends racial, denominational and cultural barriers. She is known by an intense, but sweet, apostolic ministry of healing, deliverance, recovery, and establishing order as a Five-Fold Ministry Leader to the nations.  It is her desire to be an effective servant in the Kingdom of God and to influence the lives of people in a positive way through the power of the gospel and of the Holy Spirit. Her powerful evangelistic outreach ministry, experiences and testimony allows her to counsel men, women and children, and teaches them how to apply the storms of life as lessons through Biblical principle, concept and application. For all bookings contact: