Crazy Stories / Cuentos Locos
Book Details
About the Book
LOOK/OJO Crazy Stories * Cuentos Locos is a book of bi-lingual stories for children written in English & Spanish, almost verbatim, to help youngsters learn another language or improve their own, in a very natural and fun-filled way.
This the first book of a collection.
LOOK/OJO Crazy Stories * Cuentos Locos es un libro de cuentos bi-lingues para niños escrito en Inglés y Español, y casi traducido palabra por palabra, para ayudar a los jóvenes a aprender otro idioma o superar el suyo en una manera muy natural y agradable.
Este es el primer libro de una coleccion.
About the Author
M. Victoria (Torres - Abril) Stakem
Born in NYC of hispanic parents and grandparents from Colombia, South America - this bi-lingual writer has lived in New York City, New York; Miami, Florida; Atlanta, Georgia and Dallas, Texas. As well as in Cali, Colombia for three years (from age 9 to 12) where she learned to read and to write the Spanish language properly. She has studied languages (French amongst them) and traveled much throughout the years and is the mother of three sons and a grandson and wife of thirty- seven years to an Irish/German, American.She has also represented the Hispanics in Atlanta, Georgia as: Miss Spanish Atlanta in 1977 and taught "the little ones" Spanish at two Montessori schools in Plano and Richardson, Texas - but what she feels has given her the best credentials for writing her stories - is her well deserved - Degree in Motherhood.