
by Bill Schlondrop



Book Details

Language :
Publication Date : 08/06/2001

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 5.5x8.5
Page Count : 151
ISBN : 9781401011161

About the Book

Predictions, is a story about a dreamer who crosses the thin line between dreams and the horrifying world of hallucinations and sadomasochism. In a bizarre twist of fate, he discovers that the world of hallucinations may have been the real world all along. This book contains sexually explicit material.

About the Author

Bill Schlondrop is a retired Marine captain. While working and traveling in over twenty countries, and in thirty-three states, he has witnessed, firsthand, the ravages caused by pollution. Several of his short stories have dealt with Man’s misuse of technology. He writes because he must, and because he has something to say. He wants his writing to make a difference. During 1998, he had a part time byline in the El Paso Times Living Section, where he addressed the spiritual aspects of recovering alcoholics. He is past president of the El Paso, TX, Writers’ League. While his writing of science fiction began only recently, he had been an avid fan, and voracious reader, of the genre for 60 years. He lives with his new bride in Davis CA.