How To Get To Heaven Alive -- The Key To Heaven's
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About the Book
Excerpt: HOW TO GET TO HEAVEN ALIVE PART ONE The immortality of individual life is a subject which has had vital consideration for all thinking people of the world in all ages. Those who have used their mind to contemplate the subject of life have earnestly desired to solve this apparently unsolvable mystery--to make immortality a reality, here and now; not just a hope that the reality of immortality will be realized in some future. This quest for immortality which has been sought throughout the centuries should awaken the thinker to realize that this desire is inherent in all who are aware of life. From whence comes this desire and Why? Because it is possible of fulfillment. The one reason the desire comes up in the mind, is that this desire could not be awakened in the mind unless it were possible of fulfillment. The fact is that desire must be possible of fulfillment, otherwise it could not be awakened in the individual. If the individual could have a desire that could not be fulfilled, the mind “would commit a fraud upon itself”. In fact, this is impossible. The Great Teacher of life’s immortality said to his disciples who questioned the ability of the individual to fulfill all desire, “To God (Mind), all things are possible.” Failing to comprehend that immortality is a present possibility, the teachers of religion have inspired a faith in the final comprehension and gaining of life’s immortality in a future realm beyond the present in that state of consciousness called the hereafter. It is worthy of consideration to remember that there is still a here in the hereafter. In other words, the teaching of the religions of todayleaves the impression that if the immortality of life is not gained in the present, it will be discerned and embraced in some future. This teaching encourages one to postpone the effort to embrace immortality here and now. If immortality can be comprehended and embraced in some future, then it must be possible to embrace it here and now. Why? Because the individual is always capable of doing whatever the individual will ever do. There must be a deep seated reason for this faith in life’s immortality. Something above and beyond the human mind causes the individual to cling to this faith in spite of the record that a very few have reached this divine consummation in the nearly six thousand years of recorded human race. Reference will be made throughout this manuscript to an individual known in history as Jesus, the Christ, or the Prophet of Galilee. We refer to him as the Master Christian. This identification is sensible, intelligent and genuine. This prophet of Galilee is the only one in the centuries to furnish to the people of the world, proof of the immortality and eternality of life. This he did, by reappearing after he was crucified, embalmed and was three days in a tomb. This Master Christian reappeared in the same body which was crucified, since the nail prints of the crucifixion were still in his hands and body. In this reappearing, the Master Christian proved that the body depends upon life or mind, and not life or mind dependent upon the body. This prophet of Galilee was a Master of masters. He was not a religionist, but a scientist. Like all true scientists, he substantiated this science by his words and works. He was also unaffected by the unwillingness of his hearers to comprehend and embrace his doctrine. His life and works are an example that all who will comprehend his doctrine can “do also.” He says, “The works that I do shall he (all who will adopt and utilize my doctrine) do also.” This faith in immortality as a present possibility received a strong effect on individ
About the Author
John Frum Keeling, born in Pope county Arkansas in 1938, of a farming family and resides there to date. Writing and handyman work he considers his occupation along with tending for a large vegetable garden and some special canine friends. Composing and reading take the rest of his day, sometimes getting in some fishing.