President G.W. Bush Is a Moron

Islam is NOT Peace

by Dr. Solomon Tulbure



Book Details

Language :
Publication Date : 22/07/2002

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 5.5x8.5
Page Count : 168
ISBN : 9781401064778

About the Book

The foreign lands where Muslims immigrate are considered Dar-ul-Harb, i.e. a living battlefield, which means Muslims there have a duty to convert as many people as possible with the goal of establishing the land/country as a province of Dar-ul-Islam, i.e. the Land of Peace. Until then, all non-Islamic nations are considered the battlefield where Islam is at war with the infidels…

Islamic thought police detain and persecute their own citizens on a regular basis even for the most minor of infractions of Islamic Law, that is, if the good Muslims citizenry does not get to them first, in which case the transgressor would be torn apart limb from limb…A mob of good Muslims stoned an abandoned infant to death "on the presumption that it was illegitimate and thus could not be tolerated"…

According to Muslims, the word “Islam” means peace/submission…In fact, history shows that Arabs have never lived in peace with anyone for over 4,000 years… Between 1980 and 2002, over 3 million Muslims killed each other over disagreements over their own doctrines, as well as political differences that are guided by Islamic law.

…Exactly what did president Bush mean when he said that “Islam is peace”? What sort of peace was he speaking of? I think it was the kind that allows his father and his friends to make millions from the oil-rich Muslim nations through his business.

About the Author
