The Path to Spiritual Awakening

by O. Dexter Covell



Book Details

Language :
Publication Date : 17/09/2003

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 5.5x8.5
Page Count : 138
ISBN : 9781413408362

About the Book

The Path to Spiritual Awareness is a guide and explanation of a spiritual path that can be followed to find and realize your oneness with God. It is organized in a step-by-step format where each step is built on an understanding of preceding steps, and leads toward being able to live a life governed by the knowledge and practice of your spiritual reality. It is based on the teachings of Jesus as interpreted by modern masters, which have already changed countless lives in terms of improved health, a surer supply, increased harmony, and an enhanced love for all beings.

About the Author

Dexter Covell was born in Connecticut, and was educated in public and private schools there. He graduated from Yale after serving in the US Navy during World War II. His fifty-year business career was spent mainly in advertising in and near New York City, starting with a large advertising agency where he became President of one of its component parts. He went on to form and direct an advertising agency in Connecticut, and subsequently a second in California. Spanning the entire period was his growing interest in healing by spiritual prayer, and he became an avid student and follower of the teachings of Christian Science and The Infinite Way.