
by Gordon A. Kessler



Book Details

Language :
Publication Date : 04/06/2001

Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 5.5x8.5
Page Count : 389
ISBN : 9780738841229
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 5.5x8.5
Page Count : 389
ISBN : 9780738841236

About the Book

SLEEP LIGHTLY TONIGHT, AMERICA. A mandman has come to town seeking a diabolical revenge and large dogs begin attacking their masters for no apparent reason and with heinous results. Animal-control director Tony Parker must find out why and stop the murderous attacks. Meanwhile, JEZEBEL, a huge black Great Dane has killed her master and is loose, terrorizing the city and stalking Parker and his family. Parker and Sarah Hill, his beautiful and seductive young assistant, attempt to unravel the mystery and stop the terrible carnage while dealing with their own demons and lusty desires. The attacks must be stopped. JEZEBEL must be found--and soon, you see--there is one other complication. Parker seems to have come down with an annoying little virus. No, it´s not one of those irritating summer colds. It´s certain death. Tuck your tail and hide, Cujo. Don´t even think about it, Baskerville Hound. JEZEBEL is on the loose!

About the Author

Gordon A. Kessler is a former US Marine paratrooper living in the Midwest. He has taught novel writing for the Wichita Free University, Butler County Community College, and the Kansas Writers Association. He was recently awarded the KWA’s Dale German Award for his service to his fellow writers. Gordon has never met an animal he didn’t respect. He won’t say that about people.