Deeds of the Saints


by Guy Young



Book Details

Language :
Publication Date : 30/10/2002

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 5.5x8.5
Page Count : 322
ISBN : 9781401064860
Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 5.5x8.5
Page Count : 322
ISBN : 9781401064877

About the Book

Mapleton is a dying community bereft of a means to survive in the rust belt of eastern America. Rollins Manufacturing is in its final agony of postwar contract deliverables. There are four generations of skilled workers in various numbers without employment and with nowhere to go.

There exists an antagonism among Jeremy Sample, education advocate, Madelyn Waters, local philanthropist and Emmitt Devlin industrial manager of Rollins. A convoluted of the young must be fought over and resolved.

George Reynolds is an educational standard bearer torn between self interest and service to the community. His relationship with Madelyn Waters is one of the mongoose and the viper.

Helga Rosewald, an exceptional teacher is fulcrum for betterment in the vicious struggle that ensues between personal, community and corporate needs.

The power of persons on the street in Mapleton and the reader’s community – albeit teacher, janitor, educator, local official, secretary and housekeeper weave the network of recovery in Deeds of the Saints.

About the Author

The Author is one who has lived not existed, not by force of person by willingness to step up and run the course. A proper schooling and a compulsion to go forth in service and in business to every clime and place to withstand, to prevail even modestly excel provides Sips of the Winds upon reflection.