A Real Search Volume II

by Beverly Norris



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 23/02/2009

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 70
ISBN : 9781436375511

About the Book

The first book of A Real Search was an introduction to the search for words and names that have a real reason to know about. This 2nd volume is for the reader to enjoy the search and the stories that make the search real in their own life. Stories that pertain to real situations that most of us encounter or have heard about: A Real Search Volume II There are players, haters, winners, and losers in life, but to the person reading the stories about the words searched for in the puzzles; the information becomes real in comparison to just finding words. There is a feeling one can really have in their lives when going on a search for things eternal! Take the challenge and enjoy, I must admit the search will not be easy, but well worth it.

About the Author