Under the Influence

A Personal Encounter




Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 30/12/2009

Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 101
ISBN : 9781450005791
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 101
ISBN : 9781450005784

About the Book

The book seeks to simply present who God is and why He has the right to have authority over our lives. It presents God, the loving Father, creator; Adam, God’s 1st son, who was given dominion (authority) over all God’s creation; it clarifies Adam’s sin and the fall of man, and the kingdom being turned over to the enemy. The book clearly explains the iniquity of the fathers being visited upon the children even to the 3rd and 4th generation. (Exodus 20:5 – referenced in the 10 commandments). It shows man’s self-indulgence and quest for self importance as he proceeds towards Noah’s day and the flood and it explains the selfish quest of man and the strength of their agreement at the Tower of Babel and why God chose to “confound the nations”.

The book presents Abraham and God’s preparing of a nation, a family, to bring forth His Son, the Messiah. It looks at David, ‘a man after God’s own heart’, and shows David, the boy of faith going to battle Goliath. It tells the two most important things about David, his faith and his repentant heart – even though he was a sinner - as we all are, and although he was shaped in iniquity, he could still know God intimately and God did a mighty work in his life. After David loving and trusting God, we then look at Saul and find why God rejected him – because of his heart, not because of his acts.

This book is really about knowing God intimately and how that will truly bring the joy everyone is looking for, (through partying, drugs, alcohol, sex, careers, sports, travel, etc). The book presents a wonderful teaching on finding happiness and an intimate relationship with our Creator, Father God. The study is based on Matthew 5:1 - 12, commonly known as the Beatitudes. (beatify means to make supremely happy! Imparting or manifesting bliss or joy). This teaching is progressive like a ladder, reaching the next rung only after completion of the previous one – somewhat like the 12 Step Program, it begins with our complete spiritual poverty and our acceptance of Christ as our only hope for salvation.

This book is embellished with the wonderful stories and documented with King James Version Bible scriptures.

About the Author