Wounded by Love

by Joseph Rogers



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 17/11/2009

Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 75
ISBN : 9781441594952
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 75
ISBN : 9781441594945

About the Book

Joseph Rogers is a dynamic teacher, lecturer and author. His teachings push beyond the conventional Qabalistic paradigm and are designed with a down to earth approach making complex ancient concepts easy for diverse audiences to interpret and explore. His teachings include intense examination of ancient love affairs and and subsequent correlation to modern English. He offers wisdom of metaphysical concepts, highlighting relationships, which bring us to deeper understandings of ourselves and of today´s world. Drawing upon today´s popular culture, he brings relevancy to our exploration of spiritual and social psychology. wounded by love by joseph rogers @ amazon.com or b&n.com

About the Author

Joseph Rogers is a Jr. born and raised in Baltimore, Maryland. Winning one his first writing contest while in the first grade. Ever since he knew he was destined for success. Joseph started Writing rap songs, poems, and journals after years of searching for his true passion. Joseph decided to work on his first novel about love, trust, and dishonor. This is just the first of many diverse novels and topics.