Evil Dynasty

by Robert Clayton Buick



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 30/03/2011

Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 143
ISBN : 9781465367501
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 143
ISBN : 9781450004787

About the Book

Now, after completing his trilogy about the Kennedy assassinations, in which he describes his personal knowledge and involvement, he has written a rivetingblockbuster documentary about the family that Lucrecia and Cesare Borgia would pale in the shadow of. The author fears not, and pulls not one punch in revealing what the Bush Dynasty is all about. Their continual profi ting throughout the 20 and 21 Century, in the misery, fragility and helplessness of human beings, commencing with the patriarch, Prescott Bush, who fi nanced the Hitler War Machine during World War II, to the present day president, George W. Bush, is well documented. The Bush family’s personal and fi nancial involvement in the collapse of the World Trade Center on September 11, 2001 is a matter of public record. Buick clearly defi nes the true relationship of the First Family to Richard Bruce Cheney, the Vice President, and reveals the subterfuge of the Bush-Cheney administration; from the lies to go to war in Iraq, to the unveiling of greed and corruption of war profi teering, the outright dictatorship of no-bid contracting, and the US Government payment to confl ict-of-interest corporations, directly connected to Vice President Dick Cheney and to the Bush family.

About the Author

ROBERT CLAYTON BUICK is described as a Soldier of Fortune and the most successful American bullfighter of his time, in Mexico, Central and South America. The writers, aficionados and bullfight critics called him “El Ciclon del Norte”, translated: “The Cyclone from the North”. Buick was fearless in the bullring, while adorning his style with spinning and floral passes, always in close proximity to the bull’s horns, thrilling the thousands of people who came to see him perform in his spectacular style.