Them Birds Are in Your Garden and Other Vignettes

by John E. Bush



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 24/07/2013

Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 71
ISBN : 9781483662749
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 71
ISBN : 9781483662732

About the Book

Birds in your garden may eat a little of your hoped for harvest, but they will not eat you out of house and home. There are always obstacles that interfere with plans and desires but we tend to manage them, especially as we attempt to achieve or goals in life. , This book is dedicated to Wilbur Chambers, who celebrated his one hundredth birthday on June 28, 2013; He certainly faced many challenges as he made it to the century mark as a successful teacher, artist and friend. . It is also dedicated to my friend Nelson Rivera who managed to overcome many problems on his way to become a very successful bilingual teacher. We have all watched those birds in our gardens and generally we have wished them well.

About the Author

John E. Bush holds a BA Degree from Delaware State College (University), Masters of Science in Education from Westminster College (PA) Masters of Art and Ph. D (Sociology) University of Pittsburgh. He taught in the New Castle (PA) public schools, College Misericordia, Westminster College (both PA) and University of Massachusetts Dartmouth from where he retired. He has traveled widely through out the world and many of the writings in this book reflect experiences gained during those travels. His book Changing Circumstances: Poems for Our Times was published by Xlibris in May of 2008. This book is dedicated to the memory of his father, Charles Summer Bush.