
by Regina Mazur



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 21/11/2015

Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 8.5x8.5
Page Count : 88
ISBN : 9781514424094
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 8.5x8.5
Page Count : 88
ISBN : 9781514424087

About the Book

Hi, guys, so instead of writing a whole lot, I will just go ahead and share my poems with you. They are mix of poems meant for you to enjoy regardless of how old you are; however, even though they are very different poems, they all have a few things in common. They all have a magical part to them to make sure that no matter what you do, you believe in magic and the powers that each one of you has to make your dreams come true and achieve anything you want in life. So as you read them, just let yourself imagine what you are reading, and the magic will find a way into your life and stay there for as long as you want it to. Enjoy!

About the Author

So, Here Goes, I just thought that I could simply have a book of poems for you guys to read, but apparently this thing that I am writing right now called Biography, is supposed to tell you a little bit more about me and where I came from. Well I will just list a few things about myself that you may find interesting. My work has to do with Languages and I speak one fluently as well. This language is Russian. I have lived in a few places around United States such as Brooklyn, New York, Phillipsburg, New Jersey, New Haven, Connecticut, Chicago, Illinois and now I live in Washington DC. I have graduated from Hunter College in New York, with a degree in Psychology. I love traveling and exploring new places. And I have an 8 year old daughter Julia. Julia is the one who inspired me to write my first poem about dreams that you will see in this book. When she would wake up I would always ask her what she dreamt about and she would tell me, so I guess somehow the things that she would share with me must have stuck in my head so one day the poem “Dreams” was born. I enjoyed the writing process so much that little by little more and more poems would appear. Also as you will notice I am a big believer in dreams, magic, wizards and all the stuff that we grownups are supposed to forget about the older we get, but I have discovered that if you truly wish for something to happen and put your best effort into achieving your goals, your dreams do come true, all you have to do is: Make a wish, come up with a plan and voila, it just like magic. I think that it’s very important especially for you guys to always keep your heart open for the miracles that take place in our lives every day. Let’s see what else I can share with you about myself: Oh…. I play piano and I love music, especially classical, give it a try if you have not heard any yet. I have visited some very cool places around the country such as: Niagara Falls in Canada, Mackinaw Island in Michigan. Can you believe that this Island does not have any cars or public transportation? The only way to get there is by boat and the only way to get around is on a horse or a bike? Julia and I loved it. I think that this should be just enough about myself before it gets long and boring. So I will finish right here and let you go so that you can read the poems enjoy the pictures and explore the world of dreams and magic.