Lazarus Rising

by Craig Conrad



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 03/11/2020

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 452
ISBN : 9781664137851
Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 452
ISBN : 9781664137844

About the Book

Taylor Rawls, a top-notch defense attorney and Paul Rice’s ex-lover, walks into his office after three years of no contact. Since Rice is so good at finding people, besides dealing with the paranormal, she wants to hire him to find her ex-husband who has disappeared after their two-month marriage. She feels guilty about the way she treated him and wants to make sure he’s all right. Rice says no at first, suspecting she has another reason for finding him, but relents and decides to help her. Clearly Rice and Rawls still have feelings for each other and have loved each other since high school, which is a bone of contention between them as to who was to blame for the breakup. They deal with their feelings as they try to find her ex, an investigative reporter who has stumbled on a big story about a navy experiment that the navy did in 1943 and hushed up, and which someone in the government still wants to keep buried, even killing to do it.

About the Author

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