Thirty-one Years and a Stumble

And Other True Tales

by Karen Harper DeLoach



Book Details

Language :
Publication Date : 5/01/2001

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 5.5x8.5
Page Count : 140
ISBN : 9780738841342

About the Book

When Karen embarked on her “roller coaster ride from hell,” she had no idea where the ride would end.  Hers is a story of loss and pain that could have ended in destruction.  Not willing to give up on her husband of twenty years and desiring to see her marriage healed and her family restored, she turned to the One Who has the power to heal broken relationships.  Because God rescued her, this “ride” ended in restoration and joy.

“When people ask us how long we have been married, my husband, Bill, answers, ‘Thirty-one years and a stumble.’  However, the word stumble cannot possibly describe the pain and anguish that occurs when a marriage dies a horrible death and a family is ripped apart.  Our story is a beautiful example of how God can take a destructive, heart-rending situation of our own making and turn it around for our good.”

“31 Years and a Stumble” is a story of inspiration to all those whose love is lost and whose hope is gone. But, as Karen open-heartedly shares the insight she has gained, it becomes apparent that her story reaches beyond the limits of the marriage relationship into all areas of life. The Word of God, like a ribbon of bright light, is woven throughout these pages, offering life and healing to the reader.

The "other true tales" are "True Tales of a Southern Family" -- humorous stories about the DeLoach family that have been handed down from one generation to the next. Imagine yourself swaying on a porch swing on a warm summer day, drinking a tall glass of ice cold lemonade. Come "set a spell" and enjoy the tales of this southern family.

About the Author

Karen Harper DeLoach is a businesswoman and the mother of three sons. She heads up “KD and Kompany,” an acting group which has presented plays in her community, as well as puppet shows and clown skits for children’s programs in subsidized housing projects. Karen and her husband, Bill, reside in Statesboro, Georgia.