No Alabaster Box

by Charles D. Bradley



Book Details

Language :
Publication Date : 23/05/2005

Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 5.5x8.5
Page Count : 108
ISBN : 9781413475708
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 5.5x8.5
Page Count : 108
ISBN : 9781413475692

About the Book

Gil Rushing looks back on his life and decides it is time to disclose salient facts to his wife and son, the latter now starting his own family on the West Coast. The facts he intends to disclose may prove stark to the recipients, but Gil, emerging from a near-fatal health crisis, has decided to persevere. His tale is a melting pot imbroglio of a potent mix of ingredients: counterfeiting, weaponry-running, pornography and hijacking, all united with two clashing cultures. The Lettish immigrant and the octoroon-indian both meld into and explosive recipe. Add revenge, murder and poisoning to taste, and an unforgettable tale emerges, gift-wrapped in a mystery. The ending will surprise you, yet it all makes sense. All Americans are reinvented to some degree. You’ll find a pungent example here. It’s written in a soundbyte format ideal for the modern lifestyle of time constraints.

About the Author

Charles D. Bradley has had three careers in his 70 years-that of real estate attorney, probation officer in the judicial system and real estate broker in the world of New Haven academia. This wide exposure to all facts of American life and culture has been a rich-veined mine of human experience. Finding the essence of the elusive creation that is the assimilated American-the envy of the rest of the world-has fascinated him. No Alabaster Box is the fruit of that quest.