
by David R. Wheatley



Book Details

Language :
Publication Date : 26/11/2003

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 5.5x8.5
Page Count : 540
ISBN : 9781413426366

About the Book

Marauder is a story of a convicted felon, Don Wilkins, who on release can't make the adjustment to life outside prison. He lives for the adrenaline rush and excitement of out-running and out-smarting the law. He picks a target and with the assistance of an old acquaintance gets hooked up with a supplier of both weapons and drugs. Too bad for Don that Doug Kempton, the supplier, had been caught by the law and cut a deal for his freedom. It was also too bad for a local crime family whose daughter and nephew, would also be targets of the law. The nephew is Doug's drug supplier. Don lives for retaliation, much to the painful demise of Doug and others who cross him. Don and his friends form a gang of bank robbers known as the "Hannibal Starkweather Gang." They execute a string of well planned hit and run operations that work very successfully. Narrow escapes, hiding out, more robberies all add to the gang's notoriety and the determination of the law to stop them. When most of Don's gang are killed in a high speed chase, Don vows vengeance on the ones involved and carries it out in major proportions. If not for an accident during a get away, Don would not have been returned to prison for the rest of his life--or would he? By seeking vengeance, Don has inadvertently helped the crime family and they show their gratitude by helping him. This leads into the second novel of the trilogy, The Resurrection of Hannibal Starkweather and then the third, Retribution. Each manuscript stands on its own as a story and the second and third are led into by the epilogue of the preceding one.

About the Author