Detecting Murder

An RC Frane/Greta Rogers Mystery

by B. Robert Anderson



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 5/12/2007

Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 237
ISBN : 9781425790028
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 237
ISBN : 9781425789961
Format : E-Book
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 237
ISBN : 9781465314666

About the Book

Lieutenant RC Frane and Sergeant Greta Rogers are challenged to review a double murder—five years old. A former police officer claims the wrong man is serving a life sentence.

While the trail is cold, it is further complicated by the strange relations between the two victims and the man convicted of the crime. As they peel away what happened, what might have happened, and what actually happened, they encounter a vast conspiracy.

An unpublished book is still in the computer of one of the victims. A touch of blackmail adds to the murkiness because the names of some important people are revealed. Just plain police work, detecting leads to a solution.

About the Author

B. Robert (Bob) Anderson has finished his sixth RC Frane/Greta Rogers mystery. “After all this time they seem like my friends. So, when a ‘cop’ is murdered it rests heavily on Frane’s shoulders.” After more than 20 years in Foodservice Distribution and another 35 years as a Management Consultant all this background led to a third career. Along the way he has written two college text books and over 600 articles ranging through all the addictions; drugs, alcohol, gambling and even parental abuse. These combined with management articles lead to tracking the facts needed to find the killer. Anderson grew up in Philadelphia and finds the city a perfect setting filled with interesting buildings, diverse neighborhoods, great restaurants and plenty of history. He lives with his wife, Joyce, who is also an author, in Linwood, New Jersey.