by David Bailor



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 14/08/2012

Format : E-Book
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 208
ISBN : 9781477149744
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 208
ISBN : 9781477149720
Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 208
ISBN : 9781477149737

About the Book

New York City, the grand metropolis of the United States, had been devastated from the radiation wars over global oil rights. Only a few of the largest cities had endured the holocaust, many in name only, as the survivors migrated to widely separated tracts of land left un-radiated by the nuclear warheads unleashed by oil-hungry countries.
The once-dominate United States had been reduced to independent city-states. As recognized power was redistributed around the world, elected governments began to disintegrate into dictatorial regimes. York City (as it was now called) was under the control of the latest man in power, Mayor Kourei Posin. Rights and privileges were being systematically stripped away. Choices of education and employment were no longer options; those opportunities were now mandated and enforced by a government as necessity dictated.
David Kendal of Kendal Enterprises had a plan but it was risky. Although the people wanted reform and freedom, they no longer had the voice or the power to achieve it. The Mayor’s security troops had already imprisoned some of David’s closest friends and confidants while others had met untimely deaths. Yet, not everyone was opposed to the growing tyranny of the ruling class. Even within David’s own inner circle of family and advisors the promise of wealth and power was the harbinger of betrayal.
With his family in hiding, David and his few remaining allies needed to find a place to work their plan. They would build a city within a city, a guardian city – the Citadel.

About the Author

David Bailor, born in Florida to a military family, has always called Colorado home. After many years of night classes, he graduated Sum Cum Laude from Regis University with a Bachelor’s degree in Information Technology. David has kept busy with a decade of service within the United States Marine Corps, raising a family of six and many years of church service. He enjoys playing and teaching guitar, singing when no one is around, playing and coaching volleyball and softball as well as hacking around on any golf course for which he has not been barred.