Business Planning for Affordable Housing Developers

Version 2.2

by R. M. Santucci



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 30/01/2013

Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 261
ISBN : 9781479752713
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 261
ISBN : 9781479752706
Format : E-Book
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 261
ISBN : 9781479752720

About the Book

Using a seven step process, real estate developers will be mentored through the path to creating a three to five year business plan. It includes a template outlining the narrative and spreadsheet format for administrative and capital projections. It also includes examples of real estate plans from successful operations. The seven steps to create a fundable plan are: Describe the Business, Evaluate the Environment, Plan Organization, Management, and Personnel, The Financial System, Marketing Strategy, Identify and Defeat Risk, and Develop and Sell Your Plan. This niche guidance is targeted to Real Estate Developers and nonprofit organizations who are actively pursuing a successful path to long term sustainability.

About the Author

Robert Santucci offers 35 years experience in: affordable housing program design and development; asset management; sustainable building; value engineering, and renovation. He operated innovative housing programs providing new construction, scattered site rehabilitation and multifamily rentals. He provided over 520 technical assistance consultations and training sessions to states, cities and developers. For example, he authored and facilitated 4-week asset management and CNA practicums in Connecticut, New Jersey, Alabama and Colorado. He is nationally recognized for production management, scattered-site rehabilitation and business planning for real estate developers.