All Kinds of Humor

Jokes, Quips, and Fun Stuff for Many Occasions Over Forty Categories Book I

by Frank Verano



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 27/09/2012

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 691
ISBN : 9781479722082
Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 691
ISBN : 9781479722099
Format : E-Book
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 691
ISBN : 9781479722105

About the Book

When you need something funnt for an occasion, how do you go about creating it? Most of us cannot dream up anything funny on our own. Oh sure, there are some who can create funny things spontaneously, but usually it happens in the course of a conversation and even then it is occasionally.

At all events where you are called upon to speak, it pays to follow the Toastmasters' International guidelines and prepare for it in advance. When it comes to saying something funny or simply telling a joke to get your audience's attention, it also pays to have a source.

In this book, there are over fifty categories of jokes, puns, and other kinds of humor than something you read from cover to cover as in nove. It might even be compared to a recipe book of a "How to" type of book.

If you are using this book in a hard copy form, the Contents will help you find the type of joke you need but you might still need to scan a few of them to find the one that suits your occasion.

On the other hand, if you are looking at a computer-type of screen, you can quickly go to a joke by clicking on the one-line description in the Contents.




About the Author

For a starter, let's face it; I made it to 94 years and frankly, that is an achievement that dwarf s anything else I can say about my long life so far, (and I ain't through yet.) If I were to point to the most significant event of my life I would have to say that I was a witness to a critical event in American history and perhaps in world history, the devastating attack on our Navy at Pearl Harbor on December 71 1941. The rest of my life was somewhat nondescript in the overall scheme of things in this world. I was born (just like everyone else) in Holland Michigan, way back, a good ‘200 years ago.’ I was a musician from the start, playing the harmonica at 10 years old. (Also, later the ukulele, mandolin, Hawaiian guitar, orchestral guitar, and marimba.) My first performance was with the harmonica before my 8th grade class! Later on as a teenager I played in an orchestra and performed at dances, night clubs and church events. Currently, I duo on the classical guitar with my flute player playing occasional concerts. Now that I think of it, I was pretty good. Being a small 109 pound guy I joined the Navy in 1940 so as to not get drafted. WW2 was already raging in Europe. I had to enlist for 6 years. That put me in WW2 from the beginning to the end and then some. Hey, I also performed on the guitar in the Navy aboard ship (between naval battles!) Upon discharge in 1946 I joined with my high school buddy to get the first printed circuit patent. I am really proud of that because printed circuits are in everything that's electronic. And we started it! It was particularly smart of me because 40 years later I needed the printed circuit in my pacemaker! Such foresight! At the same time I entered college at MIT. Our patent royalties helped pay for tuition. As long as I am being proud, I may as well include graduating from that top technical school in the country, which is pretty good for a son of an immigrant from Italy. From thereon my engineering career included teaching at Cal Poly in San Luis Obispo lecturing at USC and work in computers and programming. But of course, most of my work was in the Defense industry. Now in retirement I am doing things I like to do: play music and write. Looking back I think that getting an engineering degree was a big mistake. I should have been a gigolo. Look at what I missed! Alas, it is too late!