Marine Corps Tanks and Ontos in Vietnam

“E” Edition

by LtCol Ray Stewart, USMC (Ret)



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 11/06/2018

Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 662
ISBN : 9781984525994
Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 662
ISBN : 9781984525970
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 662
ISBN : 9781984525987

About the Book

This book covers the action of marine tankers and Ontos crewmen who fought the local Viet Cong, the Viet Cong Main Forces, and the North Vietnamese Regular Army from 1965 to 1970 in I Corps, South Vietnam. It opens with a brief backdrop of the history of Vietnam, the political atmosphere in South Vietnam, a short bio of the senior military leadership on both sides, and what led the US to the landing of marines on March 8, 1965. From that point, the chronology is based on previously classified documents, Marine Corps official documents, with interviews from and articles by marine veterans who detailed their fight. Maps, personal pictures, and charts supplement the narrative.

About the Author

Ray Stewart is a retired Marine LtCol who enlisted in 1955, graduated the University of Idaho with a regular commission as a 2dLt in 1964, and served two tours in Vietnam. First, as a Tank and then Infantry Platoon Commander during his extended first tour. The second, as the Operations Officer (S-3) of the Da Nang Defense Battalion. He was H&S Company Commander in the 2d Radio Battalion with a tour in Morocco. Ray was an instructor at the Amphibious Warfare School (AWS). He has served with the Jordan Arab Army, Armor in M48 Tanks and later was the Plans Officer (N-5) with Navy’s Commander Middle East Force, Bahrain. As the first Defense Attaché accredited to the Sultanate of Oman and the Chief of Foreign Military Sales, he introduced the M60 tank to the Sultan’s Armored Regiment. He is an Arabic linguist. His last assignment was as the Arabian Peninsula Desk Intelligence Officer (J-2) with the U.S. Central Command. He is Founder and President of the “Marine Corps Vietnam Tankers Historical Foundation”.