Jesus, the Light to Salvation

by Dr. Danette Vercher



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 18/04/2017

Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 74
ISBN : 9781543416329
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 74
ISBN : 9781543416336

About the Book

Both the Servant and the Branch are designations in the Old Testament for the Messiah. Both present him in his humility. In Isaiah 42:1, the Messiah—the Servant is presented as the tender prophet (a passage applied to the Lord Jesus in Matthew 12:18–20, KJV. Clearly, the Servant is now an individual rather than the nation of Israel as a whole. God would be delighted or well pleased with him. As the chosen one, he was to be the federal head of God’s elect people. He would be especially empowered by the Holy Spirit to carry a quiet and unassuming ministry that would compel many to flock to him and be saved by his light on their way to understanding why he, Jesus, died for their past, present, and future sins to help future generations receive salvation as an unchangeable bill and deity to all.

About the Author

Dr. Danette M. Verchér is a documented Native American (Hasinai/Natchitoches) Indian, internationally known as "Morning Blue Dove"; She is a Citizen, Council Chief, Tribal and Spiritual Mediator for the NTL Tribe. She is a (3) time Cancer survivor, Licensed and Ordained Minister, and International Evangelist of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. She operates in the Spirit under a strong Apostolic and Prophetic governing mantle that transcends racial, denominational and cultural barriers; Danette is known as "The Barefoot Prophetess," with an intense, but sweet, apostolic ministry of healing, deliverance, signs and wonders, who desires to be an effective servant for the Kingdom of God, and to influence the lives of people in a positive way through recovery, and cross pollination; She is a LEGACY of order as a Five-Fold Ministry Leader and educator and Seer to the nations. Her powerful evangelistic outreach ministry, experiences and testimony allows her to counsel men, women and children; teaching them how to apply the storms of life as lessons through Biblical principles, concepts and application. She is a prolific and profound Prophetess, Evangelist, Teacher, Preacher, Revivalist, Christian Educator, Philosopher, Keynote and Motivational Conference Speaker; Author, Actress, Life Coach, Spiritual Midwife, Live Radio Host, Entrepreneur, Philanthropist; and a Christian Counseling Contractor to a host of Ministry Leaders, Church's and Organizations; and an Advisor to Corporate Business Executives around the world.